Hungarian autonomy in Central Europe

The mini-conference will focus on Hungarian autonomy initiatives in Central Europe. Topics include: Hungary’s kin-state policy, demographic trends, autonomy in Slovakia, the case of Transcarpathia, Hungarian autonomy in Serbia, international law and minority quests for autonomy. The presentations will be held in English. The event is organised in cooperation with Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences and the Research Institute for Hungarian Communities Abroad and supported by the State Secretariat for Hungarian Communities Abroad.

The participation is free of charge.

Date: 7 April 2017 | Fri | 10 am

Venue: Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (1139 Budapest, Frangepán u. 50–56.)


10:00 – Opening remarks by Deputy State Secretary Péter Szilágyi

10:15 – Session I.
• Zoltán Kántor (Director, Research Institute for Hungarian Communities Abroad) – Hungary’s kin-state policy: theory and practice
• Balázs Vizi (Senior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences) – International law and minority quests for autonomy
• Dániel Gazsó (Research Fellow, Institute for Hungarian Communities Abroad) – Autochthonous vs. allochthonous kin-minorities – The Hungarian diaspora’s historical evolution

11:15 – Break

11:30 – Session II.
• Mihály Nyilas (Vice President of the Provincial Government of Vojvodina) – Hungarian autonomy in Serbia
• Géza Tokár (Member of the Roundtable of Hungarians in Slovakia) – Autonomy in Slovakia – difficulties and problems
• Patrik Tátrai (Senior Research Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical institute) – Hungarian kin-state politics and its demographic consequences: the case of Transcarpathia

12:30 – Reception