Research and analyses

Since 2012 the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy conducts and supports research on various topics within the field of cultural relations, international relations, diplomacy, youth, education and related fields. The ICRP research team along with other professionals as external authors contribute to the ever-growing online library which includes three types of volumes: (1) individual research papers, (2) results of researches and (3) project deliverables.

As an essay series, short summaries, analyses and position papers written as individual research papers are published in the ICRP Research Paper Series. The ICRP partners in large-scale international projects which often aim at making researches available for the public. Such intellectual outputs of international projects are also published and co-published on the ICRP’s website.

ICRP Research Papers Series

The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy publishes online research papers and essays that reflect multidisciplinary fields, contribute to influencing and expanding the body of research on cultural relations policy, and enhance dialogue among researchers, policy makers and the public. The ICRP Research Paper Series includes working papers, original research studies, reflective essays by authors affiliated with ICRP, and major reports generated by ICRP related research projects. Authors are responsible for the content, and the views and interpretations expressed are not necessarily those of ICRP’s research staff and other affiliated researchers. Questions regarding the content of individual ICRP contributions and ICRP research reports should be directed to the authors.

Project outcomes

As a result of international collaboration with partner organisations, the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy publishes project outcomes in the format of analyses, summaries of good practices, reports and data insights. All of our project outcomes are the result of a close collaboration. Within the partnerships the ICRP takes on the role of  process initiator, inspirator, facilitator or partner contributor. The ICRP’s website serves as a dissemination platform for such intellectual outcomes. To ensure our projects’ outcomes are sustainable, the institute aims to reach out to many groups of stakeholders – public authorities, NGOs, researchers, educators and citizens of any age.

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Access the publications of the ICRP Research Paper Series and project results platform and do not hesitate to contact the authors directly for queries and further information on

This digital library provides a platform for ICRP staff members and guest authors to share their insights, views and analysis on issues related to international and cultural relations as well as to disseminate educational materials. The views expressed in the publications are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect ICRP’s position. We welcome your suggestions and comments to the institute’s contacts.