Mobility projects

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  • ICRP Projects
  • International Projects
Future leaders of today

Future leaders of today

2022, International Projects

Future leaders of today

2022, International Projects
Mentoring for employability

Mentoring for employability

2021, International Projects

Mentoring for employability

2021, International Projects
Digital literacy for e-inclusion

Digital literacy for e-inclusion

2021, International Projects

Digital literacy for e-inclusion

2021, International Projects
Environmental transformation

Environmental transformation

2021, International Projects

Environmental transformation

2021, International Projects


2021, International Projects


2021, International Projects
No Mate in Hate

No Mate in Hate

2021, International Projects

No Mate in Hate

2021, International Projects
Empowered Citizenship

Empowered Citizenship

2021, International Projects

Empowered Citizenship

2021, International Projects
Guide your own career

Guide your own career

2021, ICRP Projects, Upcoming

Guide your own career

2021, ICRP Projects, Upcoming
DIGIT-UP: upgrade your digital competences!

DIGIT-UP: upgrade your digital competences!

2022, 2022, ICRP Projects, International Projects, Upcoming

DIGIT-UP: upgrade your digital competences!

2022, 2022, ICRP Projects, International Projects, Upcoming
Youth work on migration

Youth work on migration

2021, International Projects

Youth work on migration

2021, International Projects
It’s your turn

It’s your turn

2021, International Projects

It’s your turn

2021, International Projects
Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity

2021, International Projects

Unity in Diversity

2021, International Projects
Digital Active Innovative Social Youth

Digital Active Innovative Social Youth

2021, International Projects

Digital Active Innovative Social Youth

2021, International Projects
Minority/Majority Perspective infoday

Minority/Majority Perspective infoday

2021, ICRP Projects, Upcoming

Minority/Majority Perspective infoday

2021, ICRP Projects, Upcoming
Dream Road infoday

Dream Road infoday

2021, ICRP Projects, Upcoming

Dream Road infoday

2021, ICRP Projects, Upcoming
Social impact project

Social impact project

2021, International Projects

Social impact project

2021, International Projects
Mental health and coping during pandemic

Mental health and coping during pandemic

2021, International Projects

Mental health and coping during pandemic

2021, International Projects


2021, International Projects


2021, International Projects


The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy conducts and its members take part in international research and training projects on a regular basis. The aim of participating in such events and cooperation is to widen knowledge, to strenghten skills and to gain new competences. The researchers and interns affiliated with the ICRP had been part of numerous international projects. We believe the experience we have gained during these programs would contribute to the successful implementation of the future projects as well. Our staff have met new people and partners having similar aims or working in the same fields as we do. By participating in such programmes our interns could learn about new approaches and methods in connection with formal and non-formal learning, intercultural dialogue, minority issues and young people’s involvement in social activities. The ICRP is continuously working on preparational and organisational tasks of its prospected projects. All information about the activities are available on the institute’s website.

The ICRP emphasises the importance of supporting and involving young people to non-formal educational activities abroad. Thus, our institution also provides opportunity for its non-members to participatíe in such activities including workshops, contact making events, training courses and youth exchanges.

Between 2012 and 2014 the ICRP took part in 6 Youth in Action programmes financed by the Commission of the European Union. Since 2015 the Institute carries out its youth partnership under Erasmus+ Programme.

Read more about non-formal education and activities

Find out more about the recent calls for residents of Hungary

Volunteer programme

The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy is accredited as a European Volunteer Service (EVS) sending organisation which means the institution can send young people from Hungary to participate in European Union volunteering projects. The ICRP Budapest puts great emphasis on the inclusion and skills development of young generations and we believe volunteer programmes will further help us fulfil our mission.