Project outputs

As a result of international collaboration with partner organisations, the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy publishes project outcomes in the format of analyses, summaries of good practices, reports and data insights. All of our project outcomes are the result of a close collaboration. Within the partnerships the ICRP takes on the role of  process initiator, inspirator, facilitator or partner contributor. The ICRP’s website serves as a dissemination platform for such intellectual outcomes. To ensure our projects’ outcomes are sustainable, the institute aims to reach out to many groups of stakeholders – public authorities, NGOs, researchers, educators and citizens of any age.

Project outputs

EduRight! – Human rights education Film Library [pdf]

Youthquake 4 EU – Fighting disinformation – Policy Proposals [pdf]

Collective Memories for Democratic Values – Museum Education Program [pdf]

Collective Memories for Democratic Values – Museum Education Program Guide [pdf]

Diplomacy & Beyond – Events in 2021 [pdf]

Visegrad Academy of Cultural Diplomacy – Good practices [pdf]

Dare to be Different – Social experiments in Hungary [pdf]

Youth Advisory Boards for Peace – Report [pdf]

Youth Workers 2.0 – A digital guide [pdf]

Entrepreneurship+ – A digital guide [pdf]

Skills for teachers – Strengthening teachers competences for the education of refugee students [link]

Through non-formal to digital – Education in the digital age [pdf]

Eastern Europe Open Boundaries – Strategic planning in democratic youth work [pdf] (Other languages: BG, DE, HU, LT, PL, PT, SK)

Eastern Europe Open Boundaries – Framework curriculum “Democratic youth work” [pdf] (Other languages: BG, DE, HU, LT, PL, PT, SK)

The Visegrad Mosaic: Ethnic communities in the Visegrad Group [pdf] (“World-changing words” project)

Vision of Europe through the eyes of young people from the countries of the Visegrad Group [pdf]

Colours of the wind – An analysis of integration in Europe [pdf]

Empowering women for equality – International training course [pdf]

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For the resources please click on the links above and do not hesitate to contact the authors directly for queries and further information on

This digital library provides a platform for ICRP staff members and guests authors to share their insights, views and analysis on issues related to international and cultural relations as well as to disseminate educational materials. The views expressed in the publications are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect ICRP’s position.We welcome your suggestions and comments to the institute’s contacts.