
The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy is a non-profit and nongovernmental organisation working in particular with/for young generations. The institution runs many international projects, research programmes, youth activities as well as a successful and popular internship programme. These actions are regularly financed by national and international grants.

However, there are on-going academic, formal and non-formal projects and development programmes which fall outside our scope of current funding. Thus the ICRP also relies on the support of trusts, foundations, businesses as well as individuals with sponsorship and donations, to help us achieve our mission and empower young generations.

Every donation made will impact the life of young people by providing insight, direction, motivation, support and education. Support us financially with any contribution, of any size because together we can create better opportunities.


Business partnerships

Becoming a business partner with the ICRP means you will be helping us create better futures for young people. You can support us in a number of ways:

–          Becoming a sponsor
–          Sponsoring a specific project or piece of research
–          Making a direct donation
–          Hosting a fundraising event for us
–          Supporting one of our initiatives
–          Donating your businesses goods or services

If you are interested in partnering with the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy, we are ready to discuss with you the number of opportunities available to recognise your contribution.


For taxpayers in Hungary

The ICRP is entitled to receive 1% tax contributions as donation each year to support our mission. According to Hungarian 1% Law, taxpayers can request to donate 1% of previous year’s  personal income taxes to be given to support the activities of an NGO. By the 1% law Hungarian taxpayers have opportunity to demonstrate public support and collect funds for a significant cause. Donation is easy and confidential, it enables donors to support their prioritised causes in Hungary without any extra cost on them or any loss to their income.

To offer 1% of your personal income tax, you will need to provide the following information:
Name: Kulturális Kapcsolatokért Alapítvány
Tax number: 18593602-1-41



Bank transfer information

While paying by bank transfer, please use the corresponding information below. The ICRP bank accounts:


Payee: Kulturalis Kapcsolatokert Alapitvany
Address: Gyongyosi u. 45., 1131 Budapest, Hungary
Bank: OTP Bank Nyrt
Address: H-1051, Budapest, Nador utca 16.

For international transfers
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): HU92 1171 1010 2000 2963 0000 0000
Bank Identifier Code (BIC/SWIFT): OTPVHUHB

For transfers within Hungary
Account Number: OTP Bank 11711010-20002963-00000000



Payee: Kulturalis Kapcsolatokert Alapitvany
Address: Gyongyosi u. 45., 1131 Budapest, Hungary

Bank: Erste Bank Hungary Zrt
Address: H-1138, Budapest, Nepfurdo utca 24-26.

For international transfers
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): HU58 1160 0006 0000 0000 9433 3325

Bank Identifier Code (BIC/SWIFT): GIBAHUHB

For transfers within Hungary
Account Number: Erste Bank 11600006-00000000-94333325