Step by step

Project summary: Currently, the unemployment crisis is spreading throughout Europe, with figures for 2016 around 21 million unemployed. Young people are the first victims of the crisis in Europe. Indeed in 2016, 4,287 million of young Europeans (excluding students) did not have jobs in Europe. Across the European Union, from Portugal to Eastern Europe, unemployment rates for the under-25s remain very high. 19.1% of young people are looking for work in the European Union. This suggests a “lost” generation. The Caribbean and notably Martinique are not spared by this crisis. Indeed, the NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) rate is 26.9% among young people aged 15-24 and 42.6% among those aged 25-29. The lack of prospects for young people leads to situations of exclusion and tension or even violence on the territory. Youth is often assimilated to these
negative representations.
The association D’Antilles & D’Ailleurs, located in Martinique, works in the fight against exclusion and unemployment of young people with fewer opportunities. Through the implementation of this Partnership Building Activity, the association wishes to develop new projects with a European dimension working for the inclusion and employability of young people.
Thus, this PBA will explore the realities and challenges faced by young people in terms of inclusion and employability in Europe and especially in Martinique (through exchanges, discussions, round tables, visits to local organizations …), and create lasting partnerships that will allow the creation of European projects with an intercultural dimension between associations from different
European countries.

General objectives: The general objective of this Partnership Building Activity is to develop networks of organizations and to create new partnerships in order to set up projects at European level and within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, allowing inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities.

Specific objectives:
– Discover the different contexts and realities of participating European countries in terms of marginalization, exclusion and unemployment among Young People With Fewer Opportunities;
– Understand and share the situations and challenges faced by young people;
– Visiting and meeting with local associations working for the inclusion and employability of Young People With Fewer Opportunities;
– Provide youth workers with new skills (knowledge, attitudes, and skills) in their work for the inclusion and employability of the young people;
– Create concrete and sustainable partnerships for the creation and development of at least 6 Erasmus + intercultural projects promoting the employability of Young People With Fewer Opportunities in Europe and in the partner countries;

Presentation: This Partnership Building Activity will bring together 34 youth workers, active volunteers and association leaders, from 15 associations from all over Europe. Using non-formal education methods, participants will explore the different realities and challenges the youth are facing in terms of inclusion and employability in Europe, in their local contexts and especially in Martinique.

Activities: exchanges, debates, simulation activity, good practices, round table, visit at local organizations,… The last days will be dedicated to the creation of sustainable partnerships, through the writing of European projects with intercultural dimension, between organizations from all over Europe.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 partnership building activity

  • Dates:


  • Venue:

    Martinique, France

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bulgaria
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Denmark
    • Estonia
    • France (Martinique)
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Lithuania
    • Romania
    • Slovakia
    • Spain (Canary Islands)
    • United Kingdom