Tales of inclusion

Project description: Tales of Inclusion is a KA1youth mobility project aiming to organize a youth exchange in Mezzano di Primero (Italy), from 17 to 26 March 2018. The goal of this project is to share at European level a good practice already successfully implemented in the province of Belluno by Comitato d’Intesa (P1), thanks to the civil service project “Costruire insieme la solidarietà e la responsabilità civile”. It is a national project that involve 4 young volunteers coming from Afghanistan, Nigeria and Mali, who are currently waiting for international and humanitarian protection.

The main objective is promoting the integration of these 4 volunteers in the social context, countering isolation through a valid social integration plan. In order to spread and to raise awareness about this good practice and to develop it with new useful insights and ideas, Comitato d’Intesa (P1) presents a new learning project, not just local anymore, but more opened to an international comparison and intercultural dialogue, directly involving other 4 European associations. The project Tales of Inclusion aims to deal in a very innovative way with the European challenge of social inclusion and to develop a new development strategy, local and global at the same time, which aims both to protect the territorial settlement and to create intercultural exchange through intercultural and inter-religious dialogue and comparison.
The specific goals of the project are the following:
  • To strengthen and promote local and regional experiences aiming to counter the social exclusion problem of young asylum seekers, promoting volunteering as an instrument of social inclusion;
  • To raise awareness among young people about the migration phenomenon, deconstructing stereotypes and prejudices;
  • To inform the public opinion about the topic of the reception of refugees in order to deconstruct prejudices, stereotypes and reduce wrong ideas stimulating social tensions;
  • To create a space for intercultural dialogue and learning promoting the acquisition of the European citizenship;
  • To favour a positive atmosphere for dialogue, comprehension and collaboration, seen not only as acceptance and respect of ideas, values and other cultures, but also to strengthen each individual’s cultural identity for a mutual enrichment;
  • To develop and promote new positive speech of inclusion, giving the opportunity to European young people and young asylum seekers to meet and share hopes, needs, fears, expectations, competences and skills;
  • To experiment innovative and involving strategies, based on non-formal and informal methodologies;
  • To use communication and artistic expression languages as experimental methodologies of peer education;
  • To establish a partnership and transnational network as starting point for future collaborations.
The project gathers a network of heterogenous partnership, including 5 organizations coming from Italy, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. The partnership guarantees a good balance of expertise and competences in the field of non-formal learning, management of young people, and promotion of intercultural dialogue, as well as proper project management skills, necessary to assure a good  quality of the partnership network.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange

  • Dates:


  • Venue:

    Mezzano, Italy

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bulgaria
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Romania
    • Slovakia