Diplomacy&Beyond: Conclusions of the German election

ICRP’s initiative, Diplomacy&Beyond hosted a roundtable discussion with Ágoston Sámuel Mráz (CEO and Leading Analyst of Nézőpont Institute) and Zoltán Kiszelly (Lecturer of Századvég Political School and Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences), moderated by Roland Menyes (Research Fellow, Antall József Knowledge Centre).

The round-table discussion focused on the results of the German federal election. Topics included: party leaders, political campaigns, expected changes in domestic politics and diplomatic aspects. The event was organised in cooperation with the Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/culturalrelations/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1673495769381432

  • Dates:

    27 September 2017 | Wed | 18:00 pm

  • Venue:

    Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (1139 Budapest, Frangepán u. 50–56.)

  • Number of participants:
