
We are living the greatest era of human mobility in history. Today, the World, has more than 240 million migrants, equivalent to more than 3% of the world’s population, and this number keep increasing. However, it remains one of the least understood phenomena, which leads to an increase in political and critical challenges on issues such as safe migration, the Border management, displacement and integration.

The new European crisis on migration emerged through the growing number of refugees and migrants entering the European Union, through the Mediterranean Sea or the Southeast of Europe, and requested asylum. However, these massive flows have generated many concerns in Europe, as they tend to be connected with violent extremism without motives The result is a bad public image that leads to fear, prejudice, xenophobia and discrimination against migrants, all of them go against the values of the European Union and have a great impact on the peace and prosperity of Europe.

For these reasons, we decided to develop this project idea to involve young people as We in this matter. It is an idea that has developed after our participation in former youth exchanges and local activities on migration, brain drain and intercultural learning It is a topic that is very relevant to us and our partners, and this Mobility is an opportunity for young people in our country and in the countries of our partners to play an active role in this process of change.

These experiences in which we participate, highlighted the value of youth exchanges and the Need for its continuation and improvement.

After several meetings and surveys with local and international partners, we decided to promote the theme through art, more specifically Theater, Photography and Video production.

Humans have used the arts to express and communicate for centuries. He has been part of Your culture, nationality and identity. The arts have been an important catalyst for change in society worldwide and is a method known for the very good results and comments which provides by stimulating self-reflection, self development and also to overcome the Xenophobia, prejudices and stereotypes.

The main problems to which the project responds are: little awareness about the crisis migration in Europe as well as prejudice and discrimination against migrants and refugees that link with violent extremists and therefore develop more fear and xenophobia, a vicious circle That we must break in Europe.

The objectives are:

– Mainly, raise awareness among young people about the migration crisis in Europe, offering the opportunity to create strong networks and develop a sense of citizenship and European values, encouraging

Thе prоject will fоllоw a nоn-fоrmal educatiоn aррrоach where sessiоns will be based оn  a cоmbinatiоn оf diffеrеnt crеativе, рarticiрatоry and intеractivе methоds, designed uроn thе рrоfilе оf рarticiрants, such as: Role-plays and simulations, conceptual outputs, reality checks, scenario building, round tables, creative counter-narratives, study visit, online  campaigning and artistic expression.

Profile of participants

  • 7 per country (6 +1 youth leader)
  • Conversational English
  • Gender parity
  • Age range: 18 to 25. The youth leader is not entitled to an age limit, except of being 18+
  • Priority to participants who never took part in Erasmus+ projects

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange

  • Dates:

    20 - 27 October 2019

  • Venue:

    Málaga, Spain

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Latvia
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Spain