Bridge of cultures

It is a privilege to live in the 21st century, where youth have access to all kinds of information from different sources such as the internet (social networks, websites, educational resources), Media (TV, radio, newspapers, online resources), direct communication etc. However, it creates an informational environment affecting the young people’s way of thinking, seeing the world and judging the political, economical and cultural situation. Terrible things happening worldwide such as terrorist attacks and threats in France, Belgium, Russia, Turkey; wars in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq causing a huge refugee and migration wave in Europe. Due to this citizens in European countries are on a larger basis confronted with cultural differences and newcomers.

This migration-crisis has shown an urge to define and underline what it means to be part of a society, what to expect from each other, and adaption. In a modern world one would think that an increased confrontation with new cultures would also increase the acceptance and respect of differences. Unfortunately the opposite has shown to be the case and countries that has normally been known as some of the most free, democratic and multicultural of Europe mentioning Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden, Spain and Greece, are now introducing border-control, ignoring UN and EU common regulations and organizing anti-foreigner-campaigns and movements to influence national law. Looking further east to Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, the issue of ethnic minorities and nationalism has been vivid since the break of USSR that enquired numerous countries to redefine their existence based on people’s values as a group.

These and many other factors stipulate increasing intolerance, xenophobia, violence, conflicts oriented by cultural fears, numerous stereotypes and prejudices, intercultural misunderstanding, inability to think critically and lack of intercultural competence and acceptance in general.


The TC aims to empower young workers to take an active role in transforming intercultural misunderstandings and conflicts on all levels, and to foster understanding, tolerance and acceptance between differences. The TC will provide youth workers with tools and instruments how to approach intercultural issues such as intolerance, misunderstanding, inability to communicate and to appreciate diversity and work with group identity in a way that does not stimulate conflict. In order to solve the mentioned problems and to meet further challenges we will educate the youth workers using non-formal education (NFE) and give them information about intercultural learning and a space for intercultural dialogue.

The main objectives of our project are:
-To increase the level of cultural sensitivity of youth workers through diversity appreciation, direct communication and exchange, building trust with different people and developing the ability to think critically, to assess honestly personal behavior towards other people and cultures
-To break stereotypes and prejudices about the different cultures by enhancing the awareness of youth workers about intercultural communication through dialogue and interaction.
-To reduce cultural misunderstanding and miscommunication by giving youth workers a space for intercultural dialogue and communication and the tools for them to erode these spaces to their respective communities.
-To help them participate in the creation of more friendly and safe environments full of respect, tolerance, mutual cultural understanding.
-To improve the cultural competences of youth workers by giving a chance to reflect on their personal and group identity
-To build networks of international contacts in order to participate actively in society and to develop a sense of European citizenship and identity
-To create opportunities for youth workers to learn how to learn and how to reach to the personal and professional development through NFE.


Profile of participants
The training course is open for youth workers, youth leaders active at local level (including members of local initiative groups) interested in the topic and sharing our concerns mentioned in the background of this project. The participants will be in the age from 18-30 years old. The main approach of the selection of participants is to ensure the diversity.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 training course

  • Dates:

    17-25 September 2021

  • Venue:

    Tbilisi, Georgia

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Armenia
    • Azerbaijan
    • Finland
    • Georgia
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Poland
    • Slovakia
    • Ukraine