Youth Creative Academy

The Youth Creative Academy project will create an opportunity and space for collaboration between different organisations, with the aim of stimulating the creativity, cultural awareness and expression of young people, together with equipping young artists with digital and managerial skills.


1. Equip youth workers in the creative industry, and artists with smooth project management techniques for cultural/creatives projects in order to reach a greater impact on young people.-

2. Explore the forms of entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries, outlining the paths of freelancing, social enterprise, NGOs, private companies together with the role of public institutions as stakeholders.

3. Enhance the digital outreach of the organizations to increase youth participation in cultural activities and linking it with the importance of intercultural dialogue and European awareness.

4. Stimulate the creativity of youth through a recognition digital tool ‘CreativityMeter’ evolving youth work practice in the cultural field.

5. Reinforce the exchange of good practices of the involved organizations in the cultural and creative fields.

Target groups:

– Youth workers in the cultural/creative organizations, and artists.

– Young people aged 18-30 especially from a disadvantaged background willing to work in the cultural sector or pursue their creative and artistic vocation.

Project duration: 18 months


  • September 2021: Kick-off meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • November 2021: Joint-staff training – Project Management for Creators. Cabris, (Nice) France.
  • March 2022: Blended mobility for young people – Exploring the different forms of entrepreneurship in the creative industries. Braga, Portugal.
  • May/June 2022: Joint staff training – Digital transformation and communication strategies for culture. Athens, Greece.
  • September/October 2022: Blended mobility for young people – Young people as creators, artistic expression in different workshop universes. Brasov, Romania.
  • February 2023: Final evaluation. Budapest, Hungary.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA2 Partnerships for Creativity - Exchange of good practices

  • Dates:

    1 September 2021 - 28 February 2023

  • Venue:

    Vilnius (Lithuania), Nice (France), Braga (Portugal), Athens (Greece), Brasov (Romania), Budapest (Hungary)

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • France
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Lithuania
    • Portugal
    • Romania