Book launch: Croatia from the proclamation of independence till the EU-accession

The launch of Dr. Edit Lőrinczné Bencze’s book „Croatia from the proclamation of independence till the EU-accession”, organised by Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy and the Southeast Europe Foundation. The book was introduced by Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar (Kodolányi János University) and Dr. András Braun (Eötvös Loránd University). Honorary speeches by Dr. Gordan Grlić Radman, ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Hungary and Béla Makkai (Károli Gáspár University).


Summary: On 4 May 2016, a book launch was held at Károli Gáspár University, which was organised by Kodolányi János University, the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy and the Southeast Europe Foundation.
The book, written by Dr. Edit Lőrinczné Bencze was published with the title “Croatia from the proclamation of independence till the EU-accession” (Horvátország a függetlenség kikiáltásától az uniós csatlakozásig). Before the recension of the book honorary speeches were given by Dr. Gordan Grlić Radman, ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Hungary and Béla Makkai (Károli Gáspár University). Both speeches were built around and emphasized the good relations between Croatia and Hungary.
After the honorary opening the author, Dr. Edit Lőrinczné Bencze briefly presented her book by emphasizing the reasons for writing it. The author stated that the main reason for choosing to write about the topic is because there are few people in Hungary who are engaging in the case of Croatia. The book is aimed to focus on one hand, on the history of the country since it has proclaimed its independence, and on the other hand, on Croatia’s present.
The book was reviewed by Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar and Dr. András Braun. Throughout his review, Dr. Zachar has emphasised the exceptional structure of the book, which is either built up chronologically or by topics. The writing includes a chapter about Croatia’s political and societal features, which is elaborating on the Croatian population and the country’s relations. Looking back in time, the author is emphasizing the challenges of the establishment of the modern state in a separate chapter, which is focusing on the reforms in economy, the territorial aspects and the domestic and foreign policy of the country (the latter primarily focusing on the EU and the relationships with the neighbouring countries).
The book thoroughly analyses Croatia’s political system, the structure of parties, the multiparty system, and the primary characteristics of the pluralist democracy.
As part of the country’s geopolitical capabalities, the author elaborates on the demographic divisions using the developments seen throughout history, giving an economic perspective to the topic. This leads to the regional aspects and changes in the country, in which case the author is using different kind of statistics by focusing on the EU’s regional policy. The book also focuses on Croatia’s foreign policy.
All in all, Dr. Zachar believes that the book written by Dr. Edit Bencze Lőrinczné is not only aimed at professionals, but the laic public as well, which emphasizes that the book is well-structured and can be understood easily.

Review by Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar available in Hungarian:

Dóra Vető

  • Dates:

    4 May 2016 | Wed | 6 pm

  • Venue:

    Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (1088 Budapest, Reviczky u. 4.)

  • Number of participants:
