Diplomacy&Beyond: Luljeta Vuniqi

Diplomacy & Beyond talk series hosted H.E. Luljeta Vuniqi, ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to Hungary. The discussion was moderated by Debóra Kovács. The topics of the talk were concentrated on career in diplomacy, Kosovo’s achievement’s, its current challenges on the way towards the EU and Kosovo-Hungarian relations.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/culturalrelations/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1441270509270627

Summary: The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy continued the series of talks entitled Diplomacy & Beyond for the sixth time, in cooperation with Kodolányi János University, by inviting the Ambassador of Kosovo to Hungary H.E. Luljeta Vuniqi to have a moderated talk, with Debóra Kovács from ICRP as the moderator, on 28 February 2017. The talk was held for around one hour with the format of question-answer. By the end of the talk, the audiences were welcomed to ask their questions

The talk started with a discussion about Ambassador Vuniqi’s personal career full with challenges and success. She referred to the diverse opportunities encountered during her life which led her to the current position as an ambassador. She also elaborated gender equality having central importance for the country relying on the facts, such as 30% of the members of parliament being women, 8 female ambassadors out of 26 missions and specific laws adopted regarding gender equality. The discussion continued with the topic of Kosovo’s current position and challenges on the way towards the European Union. When asked about possible reasons of non-recognition as a sovereign state by certain States, considering 115 diplomatic recognitions the country has received, Ambassador Vuniqi stated one of the reasons to be their internal issues. However, she also underlined countries being flexible and positive towards Kosovo’s visa liberalisation and possible integration in the EU in case of all the necessary criteria being fulfilled. She commented on the long process towards visa liberalisation making country isolated and young people being prevented of moving freely in Europe. She further highlighted Kosovo’s aspiration to be a part of the Europe in a complete sense, considering no other alternative path. In terms of criteria, comparing with 44-45 criteria that other neighbouring countries need to fulfil, for Kosovo the number is 110, including demarcation with Montenegro, the only criteria left for the country to be granted with visa waiver.

The discussion moved forward on the topic of relations between Serbia and Kosovo taking into account the fact of 70 to 120 thousand Serbs living in Kosovo. Ambassador Vuniqi stated that Kosovo is multi-ethnic state with Serbs being the largest number of minorities granting them 120 sits in the parliament as well as right to take part in central and local elections and be part of the parliament, government and institutions. However, there are some parallel institutions financed by Serbian government functioning in Kosovo, especially in northern part, creating tensions and causing some serious incidents. She also indicated readiness and commitment of Kosovo to normalise relations with Serbia while 6 years of agreements not fulfilled by Serbian government results in Millions of Euros being lost and diverse fields, such as energy field, remaining disputable and unresolved.

Ambassador Vuniqi expressed her hope for the current disputes to be soon resolved with the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia. When asked about Kosovo’s government’s and people’s opinion towards the EU’s and UN’s monitoring of country’s legal institutions, she underlined their position to be respected but nowadays gradually minimised. When asked about the migration crisis influence on Kosovo, she commented that the peak of the crisis for the country was at the end of 2014, which was successfully managed by the government. Ambassador Vuniqi made closing remarks with emphasising Kosovo’s good relations with Hungary and a will to extend not only political, but also economic cooperation.

Tamar Buachidze

  • Dates:

    28 February 2016 | Tue | 6 pm

  • Venue:

    Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences (1139 Budapest, Frangepán u. 50–56.)

  • Number of participants:
