Can I come in? Sharing tools for effective inclusion of young migrants
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Project summary: “Can I come in? Sharing tools for effective inclusion of young migrants” is a seminar involving 30 youth workers from 10 different countries, aiming at the capacity building of youth organizations dealing with issues connected with migration and youth, through the sharing of their best practices and tools they developed in the field.
The seminar will be held in Budapest, Hungary, and will last for 7 working days, during which we will deepen the knowledge on the challenges connected with the current migrant crisis in Europe from multiple perspectives, understanding and recognizing the reasons of this phenomenon, explore the skills and tools needed today to work with young migrants and the local communities, sharing experiences, ideas, best practices and methods developed in different countries to raise awareness and build positive change in the attitudes and approaches of European youth towards the issue.
Effective inclusion, as we intend it, has multiple meanings: integration in the labour market (local and European one), the development of language skills, civic and educational integration and rights acquisition, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, working on housing and health challenges, an active interaction between the local communities and migrants, as well as the fight against stereotypes, prejudice and myths created in the latest years connected to these topics.
The main aim of the seminar is to share best practices, increase competences and find new and common paths for youth workers and NGOs in EU to work effectively on sustainable inclusion and anti-discrimination strategies for migrant youth and the new hosting societies in Europe.
The seminar will explore reasons and factors that cause exclusion, diffidence and xenophobia, active and passive civil positions, the concepts connected with migration (both regular and irregular) and asylum in EU including legal aspects, types of migration, push and pull factors, labour migration schemes, circular migration, the impact of migration on the immigrants and the host societies, the current anti-immigrant stance in Europe, the concepts of asylum seeker and refugees in modern society, national and international instruments and mechanisms for protection of the rights of the migrants, and, finally, the possibilities of action for youth workers and NGOs in the field, opening ways of cooperation among them and with different kind of other institutions.
Non-Formal Education will be the main methodology used during the seminar, together with theoretical aspects, to ensure a complete learning dimension, using methods such as group discussions, round tables, simulations, and dynamic, creative and participative activities.
The seminar will lead to the creation of a platform of work on migration issues for youth NGOs as well as to different creative dissemination tools to be used in all the countries involved.
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 mobility of youth workers - training course
Autumn 2017
Budapest, Hungary
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Bulgaria
- Finland
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Italy
- Malta
- Romania
- Spain
- Turkey