CREating in EU

The project provides participants means to participate actively in the labour market and in society at large.

Thus, it supports students, trainees, apprentices and young people, including those with fewer opportunities, in the acquisition of outcomes such as knowledge, skills and competences concerning the field of culture, intangible cultural heritage and cultural management with a view to improving their personal development, their involvement as considerate and active citizens in society and their employability in the European labour market and beyond.

In addition, it produces outcomes for the staff, youth workers and professionals involved in the mobility activities as group leaders and on the participating organisations involved as partners in order to, in the long run and in combination with other projects supported the Erasmus+ program and Key Action 1, have an impact on the systems of youth thus stimulating policy reforms and attracting new resources for mobility opportunities in Europe and beyond.


  • It enhances the participants’ competence on their mother tongue, foreign languages, such as English (main language of the project) and of the peers as well as on regional and minority languages.
  • It raises participants’ awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and promote intercultural dialogue, social integration and solidarity.
  • It enhances the European project and the EU values and develops a sense of European citizenship and identity.
  • It increases self-empower and self esteem and creates chances for employability and career and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
  • It supports the professional development of those who work in education, training and youth, leaders in youth exchanges, with a view to innovating and improving the quality of teaching, training and work in the youth field across Europe.
  • It increases the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of organisations active in the education, training and youth fields, partners in youth exchanges, so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of young people, within and outside Europe, policy reforms and development of knowledge and evidence-based youth policy.
  • It reinforces synergies and transitions between formal, non-formal education, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship.
  • It ensures a better recognition of competences gained through the informal learning periods abroad and of certificates such as Youthpass.
  • It motivates for taking part in future informal and non-formal learning.


Despite that there are different languages heard and spoken throughout the project’s period, the official language of the Youth Exchange is English.

Number of participants

We have not a confirmed number of the participants for each international group. However, at least 5-6 young persons aged 24 – 28 years old per group and with 1 leader (no matter the age). More candidates (young persons and leaders) for participation will be examined positively but after the first collection of data. It is mandatory the quota in favour of women (65 – 35%)

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange

  • Dates:

    APV: 28-30 July 2020 | Youth Exchange: 20-26 September 2020

  • Venue:

    Athens, Greece

  • Number of participants:

    APV: 2, YE: 35

  • Participating countries:
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Poland