DIGIT-UP: upgrade your digital competences!

The Project “DIGIT-UP: upgrade your digital competences!” takes place in Budapest to provide youth workers tools and skills on digital communication and graphic narration , with the aim to improve their knowledge on how to communicate well with youngsters. The training course helps young participants to create efficient communication plans that will be useful for their organization, to reach a larger audience of people, and it gives them the opportunity to develop non-formal learning methodologies.

During the training course the following activities will be implemented: specific activities to learn how to shoot better photos, video-making sessions to learn the importance of online learning, group works to build a social media page. A final manual about the knowledge and skills learnt during the training course will be shared on websites of the partners NGOs. The 6 organizations involved are:

  • Institute for Cultural Relations Policy (Hungary),
  • Association for Cultural Relations (Finland),
  • Georgian Association for Cultural Relations (Georgia),
  • Turkish Society for Cultural Relations (Turkey)
  • KRISTAL – Social Unity and International Relations (Ukraine)
  • Youth Community and Action Centre (Armenia).

24 youth workers (4 for each country) interested in increasing their digital skills are the participants of the training course.

At the end of the implementation of the project a manual on how to use digital tools and visualization will be created and  uploaded on the websites of the partner organizations. This manual will be available for free download to everyone, to give to everyone the opportunity to learn the skills that the YW learnt during the TC. The project will give the NGOs the possibility to have in their associations qualified Youth Workers skilled in digital communication, that will be able to modernize the communication structures of their working places to reach the highest numbers of youngsters and increase the participation of the young people in the social and volunteering life.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 training course

  • Dates:


  • Venue:

    Budapest, Hungary

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Armenia
    • Finland
    • Georgia
    • Hungary
    • Turkey
    • Ukraine