Diplomacy&Beyond: Fatima Al Ansar

The next event of Diplomacy & Beyond talk series will host Fatima Al Ansar, activist, social entrepreneur, and diplomat, currently working as the Head of Mission of the Center for Strategic Studies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Mali. The topics of the talk will be concentrated on education, gender equality, diplomatic career and the foreign relations of Mali.

Ms Al Ansar has the distinction of being the youngest Malian diplomat. She is also an analyst, an activist and a social entrepreneur, having founded Tilwalte Girls Peace Network, an NGO that seeks to create a network of young women and girl’s peace ambassadors in Africa through intensive training in peacebuilding, leadership, mediation, negotiations entrepreneurship, and community-based activities. Ms Al Ansar has studied at the African Leadership Academy, Trinity College, and Vienna University, and she also holds diverse prestigious titles, being an Oxford Human Rights Fellow and the youngest Michelle Obama Young African Women Initiative Fellow. Currently, she is serving as head of mission at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Mali at the Center for Strategic Studies and recently she got appointed as Chief Delegate and Global Ambassador to promote United Nations SDGs for the UN Master Plan program.

The participation is free of charge. Registration is not needed.


13 August 2021 | Fri | 6 pm (CEST)


Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85787551668?pwd=M3NwWXcva0dmcUNhS0tNUW9ZbUdGUT09


18:00 – Opening and introduction
18:10 – Moderated talk with Fatima Al Ansar
19:15 – Questions and open discussion

Host: Yash Arya
Moderator: Candice Stephens

Facebook event


  • Dates:

    13 August 2021 | Fri | 6 pm

  • Venue:


  • Number of participants: