Employment & Competences 4 Success
Project description: Are you seeking for an opportunity to analyse and improve skills-making in the field of youth? Would you design strategies and activities enhancing the growth of young people in Europe?
Thanks to the project “Employment & Competences 4 Success”, youth workers and experienced trainers will find the answers! ☺
“Employment & Competences 4 Success” is an Erasmus+ training course specifically developed for active youth workers who are aiming at empowering youth employment and competences-making to enhance career guidance of young people by using holistic approach and NFE. Our objectives are defined to tailor tools for learning, exchange professional ideas, experiences and actions to promote among youth, and educate to educate.
The project has been granted to EuroDemos Youth Mobility NGO by the Italian National Agency for Youth (Agenzia Nazionale Giovani EuroDemos Youth Mobility NGO under the Erasmus+ Programme framework.
Objectives: The objectives of our training course are:
– Analyse the scenario of youth employment and competences-making according to the European scenario and find tangible educational solutions to carve into the topic;
– Provide European youth workers a space for tailoring specific tools for learning and a defined action plan for boosting employment of youth and support them in career guidance;
– Identify young people talents and help them in harvesting those in a way to empower skills, competences and opportunities at the same time;
– Better understand how to create cooperation and actions to boost young people scenario via non-formal education, and to motivate a settles process of learning;
– Allow youth workers to gain experiences in a specific sector for youth which is in transformation and needing solutions to avoid poverty of youth;
– Show the relevance of finding innovative methods and tools for supporting and helping youth by using a holistic approach
to overcome obstacles cause by the high rates of unemployment in Europe;
– Provide more qualitative opportunities for future, innovative cooperation and projects within Erasmus+ Programme.
Methodology: By using non-formal education activities, the group of youth workers will find strategies and tools for learning to develop and sharp young people competences in the European employment and entrepreneurship scenario.
Sessions along the timetable will be based on open spaces, debates and workshops techniques, original and creative ones with the express purpose of promoting an expressive and personalized approach to the definition of the topics and the study of the methodologies of intervention in our societies for the improvement of trainings/tools for learning. Best practices, the use and adoption of Youthpass in non-formal education, and competences indicators will be analysed and shared among the youth workers too.
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility of Youth Workers
Reggio Calabria, Italy
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Belgium
- Croatia
- Estonia
- Finland
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Spain
- Turkey