Eastern Europe Open Boundaries – international forum

Aimed at contributing the enhancement of the quality of youth work in the Eastern European countries, Eastern Europe Open Boundaries international forum comprise lectures, a workshop and presentations of practical conceptual materials in the specific field of racism and violent behaviours and antidemocratic tendencies among youth. The event is supported by the European Commission’s Programme for education, training, youth and sport. (Erasmus+)


09:30 – Registration

10:00 – Opening of the Programme

10:15 – Youth work in Europe
Gyöngyvér Hervainé Szabó (Vice-Rector of Kodolányi János University) – Pedagogy for global citizenship in KJU International Education
Tamás Domokos (CEO of ECHO Survey Holding) – Hungarian Youth in Central Europe
Éva Horváti (International Director at Kodolányi János University) – The pedagogical challenges of intercultural coexistence and the models of integration of local students in the international student office
Youth work in Hungary (presented by the representative of the government)

11:45 – Break (coffee, tea, refreshments, sandwiches)

12:15 – Eastern Europe Open Boundaries
– Presentation of the EEOB project (AGJF Sachsen)
– Introduction of partner organisations: AGJF Sachsen (Germany), A.D.E.L. (Slovakia), Walk Together Association (Bulgaria), RightChallenge (Portugal), Dobra Wola (Poland), Active Youth Association (Lithuania) and the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy (Hungary).

Short break

Qualification concept for youth workers for the prevention of racism, homophobia and other refusals and the inclusive measures for refugees and migrants
Conceptual materials for actions and processes for the individual design of activities to promote democratic understanding, inclusive attitudes and dismantling of racism, violent radicalism and general discrimination

14:30 – Workshop and NGO partnership-building

15:00 – Reception

Call for participants

  • The forum is open for youth workers, social workers, managers, employees and volunteers of NGOs, youth organisations and organisations focusing on activities related to youth work. Attending the event is beneficial to those who are interested in current challenges of youth work and to NGOs that seeking for new partnerships in the youth field.
  • The language of the event is English.

Call for NGO presentation

The ICRP welcomes a presentation of NGO activities in the side events program of the Eastern Europe Open Boundaries international forum on 14 December 2018 (14:30-15:00). The presentation is expected to introduce NGOs active in the field of youth work / social work / youth education / active citizenship and promoting democratic values. Representatives of NGOs will have 3-6 minutes for presentation (duration may vary according to the final number of presentations). Please inform us if you would have a concrete proposal to share posters and audiovisual material (will be played with sound). Creative contributions are much welcomed.

Conditions for travel reimbursement

International participants are entitled to request maximum 200 euro travel reimbursement, while participants travelling from Hungary are entitled to receive up to 30 euro for their travel expenses. Only public transport tickets are accepted and the costs of travel by private car cannot be reimbursed. Accommodation costs can be also reimbursed up to the limit. Participants are required to attend all sessions and provide the copies of all travel/accommodation documents until 20 December 2018 by email to conference@culturalrelations.org

Reimbursement will be made for 30 foreign and 50 Hungarian applicants in order of submitted and approved applications! Attending the programme is free of charge, however registration is needed.


Kodolányi János University, Frangepán u. 50-56, 1139 Budapest, Hungary | room 401

Further information

Download the forum’s leaflet [pdf]

Further information about the EEOB project on the ICRP’s website [link]

Facebook event [link]

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ international forum

  • Dates:

    14 December 2018

  • Venue:

    Kodolányi János University, Frangepán u. 50-56, 1139 Budapest, Hungary | room 401

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Participants from all countries are encouraged to attend

Find the venue on the map