Get into Green Scene
Project summary: The project is a wake up alarm for the unhealthy lifestyles (junk food, sedentary, consumerism) and unsustainable tendency, meant to provide green tools for dealing with environmental issues, such as pollution, garbage, waste.
32 participants from 6 programme countries will gather in Sakarya, Turkey focusing on non formal education in the context of environmental education with a combination of different activities and methods. Young persons with the age between 18 and 30 will be involved in group activities, open discussions and creative workshops, including outdoor activities and visits, in order to gain knowledge and abilities in sharing or expressing their views, experiences and opinions related to the project’s theme, and also to connect with nature and its resources for a greener future. Activities will be done in a pleasant and interactive atmosphere, where at some points hammers or garbage will be the working materials. Debates, role games and teamwork will combine practical sessions like gardening, recycling, bird house building and others.
The objectives of the project are:
– to set up a place for sharing and connecting knowledge, ideas and good practices around the concept of sustainability, during 10 days, for 32 participants from 6 different countries
– to provide 32 young people with techniques and know how on satisfying their needs and their communities’ need of healthier lifestyles – to empower 32 young people with creative methods and tools, such as gardening and recycling, in order to foster motivation and initiatives in dealing with environmental issues at a local level
– to guide youth towards protection and preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, promoting home made production & consumption, seasonal & local products
– to raise awareness about destructive impact that consumerism has on nature, through role games and Do It Yourself activities, and to encourage Eco-friendly behaviours like outdoor activities or slow food
The project is also meant to support healthier and more sustainable lifestyles. Sense of initiative and cultural awareness will stand up for open-mindedness and inter cultural dialogue. Communication skills (especially in foreign languages), such as: public speaking, active listening, self confidence and teamwork.
Environment and outdoor activities will be the main themes of the youth exchange, pointing at individual and collective approaches regarding nature.
5 local communities will develop on the environmental, social and economical levels, as local production and consumption will be supported, recycling, gardening, wildlife protection. This project will not change the world, nor will solve its issues, but it will give its small contribution for a better balance between humans and nature.
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange
11.12.2016 - 22.12.2016
Karasu, Turkey
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
- Italy
- Lithuania and Turkey