Gökkuşağı – Rainbow
Project description: >>We noticed that there are many different beliefs and life styles which makes arguments and also conflicts between young people in the society.We decided to to something about this problem from the point of Allah saying in Koran “We unit you with tribes, races and socity in order to introduce each other.” So we decided to write a youth project about this subject after a brain storming with our team. This project aims to show the fact to the youth that differences are not separation but also colour of the society.
We think that this project may be effective if we gather youths from different countries,religions,languages and cultures with our youths who have different beliefs,culture and life styles in the same training course. We also think to compose a peace song through training period and make it a video clip as a sample for all humanity.
Administrators, members and project team of our association unit from people belongs to different beliefs, culture and ethnic groups who can recognize the crescent when its half is in dark. We set out with the feeling that it is our mission to light a torch in these dark days of humanity and persuade the participant youths to walk towards the same target with the conscious.
We chose the participants partner countries and associations carefully according to their activity branches and also we believe that they will send participants who interest in this topic and dedicate themselves real peace which will happen in a day in future for their infinit belief and also participants who are tolerant against racism and separatism.
Our target mass which we want to reach is that kind of youths,at least the youths and youth leaders of non – governmental associations who are tolerant and interested in this subject. It is clearly that the synergy of youth, who meet at the true aim, will activate large masses.
Finally, we believe infinitly that,we can reach our target by some studies below; composing peace song as a video clip; walk between cultures, visiting temples and holy places which belong to different beliefs; organizing seminars,meeting, and panels about tolerance and against racism; outdoor workshop studies (making models which reflect different life styles) fashion show which reflects lifestyles and as a final activity, organize a culture walk units from the rainbow of native youths and participants.<<
The project was initiated and hosted by Keçeci Köyü Ahi Mahmudu Veli Türbesi Yaşatma Çevre Güzelleştirme Sosyal ve Yardımlaşma Derneği.
Programme and action:
Youth in Action programme, action 3.1 Training Course
19.04.2014 - 26.04.2014
Erbaa, Turkey
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Azerbaijan
- Bulgaria
- Greece
- Hungary
- Romania
- Serbia
- Turkey
- Ukraine