Heritage is forever

Project summary

The aim of the project is to raise awareness and social responsibility in the field of cultural heritage preservation in the local environment and, consequently, in the European Union, with the help of informal tools and methods. We want to encourage young people in particularly to think about how their own behaviour and responsibilities helps improve the relationships towards cultural heritage, that our ancestors have left behind, and thus protect it in some way. At the same time, it is an important goal of the volunteers, who are interested in the field of protection and preservation of cultural heritage using also the ICT technology, to enable active participation in the implementation of the project, as well as in the implementation of the activities planned within the project. By doing so, they will gain new knowledge and practical experience and develop competences in the field, which will significantly contribute to personal fulfilment, inclusion, adaptability, innovation and ultimately to the creation of advantages in the labour market and employability.

Within the framework of the project, we are planning various activities that will pursue the aforementioned objectives and will put young people and other interested parties in the role of active citizens: a round table, themed evenings, local consultation with the inclusion of cultural organisations, photography competition and exhibition, workshops and an international scientific conference on the preservation of cultural heritage. Within the project, two volunteers with a legal residence in the sender country, that are interested in protecting and preserving of cultural heritage with the help of ICT technology, will be enabled to actively participate in the implementation of the project as well as in the implementation of the planned activities. Both volunteers will be part of the hosting organisation.

RIS Mansion Rakičan combines a highly qualified, diverse and young team that is highly motivated to create new quality content that is attractive especially to young people. The entire team, especially our mentor and coordinator, will provide volunteers with support and help at every step of the way, both in the preparation phase as well as implementation phase of the project and beyond that. Volunteers will receive help in the area of providing information, communication, accommodation, organization and coordination of all activities, etc. We will solve any problems in a constructive and timely manner.

For the two volunteers living and working abroad represents an invaluable experience. Project’s main goals are: the promotion of active (European) citizenship of young people, furthering new knowledge, skills, and competencies, promote intercultural awareness, mobility, and social participation among young people as well as between organizations and dissemination of good practices throughout the EU. In the long term, we wish to create relevant content and conditions that will enable the strengthening the international dimension of youth activities, promotion of youth work and raising its quality as well as strengthening the cooperation between partnering countries.

Venue and date

April-November 2019 (7 months) in Rakičan, Murska Subota, Slovenia

Type of activity

The current mobility is a European Solidarity Corps volunteering activity that takes the form of a voluntary unpaid activity for a period of up to twelve months. It provides young people with the opportunity to contribute to the daily work of organisations in solidarity activities to the ultimate benefit of the communities within which the activities are carried out. As the main mechanism for promoting solidarity as a value, volunteering helps to overcome important societal challenges and addresses the needs of local communities. It also enables young people to acquire useful experience, skills and competences for their personal, educational, social, civic and professional development, thereby improving their employability and active citizenship.

More information: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en

Host organisation

RIS Mansion Rakičan is a research and educational centre that is active in various working fields, which all have a common goal: to create better living conditions and to improve the quality of life in rural areas. Our mission and goals: – organization of programmes intended for children and young people; – organization and execution of courses, lectures, international conferences, conventions, etc.- offering conference and lecture space (lecture halls, conference rooms, class rooms, etc.); – organization of educational programmes, gatherings and various meetings; – the possibility of long-term educational programmes on different levels (secondary and third level education); – various types of qualification programmes and programmes for additional education in accordance with current needs involving all significant fields; – encouraging lifelong learning and intergenerational cooperation; – coordination of higher education programmes – Management in agronomics, agriculture and rural development; – providing hotel services;- rich offer of tourist activities.

In addition, we are encouraging people with similar problems or those with common interests to take part in joint activities and attend different social meetings. We are offering various educational opportunities that are designed to acquire, renew, expand and refresh knowledge and skills in various fields, focusing on children and youth programmes (different types of camps) as well as programmes intended for vulnerable target groups and older adults. With these programmes we wish to strengthen the self-image in individuals, help to raise confidence and self-esteem, improve communication and learning skills, elevate social behaviour as well as further socialization. More information: https://www.ris-dr.si/

Participants profile

Hungary is entitled to delegate one or two volunteers to the programme.

The volunteers should be:

  • 18-30 years old;
  • Hungarian citizen or have residence in Hungary;
  • interested in the topic;
  • have a good conduct in English;
  • be able to attend the entire programme;
  • committed to disseminate the results of the project as widely as possible;
  • committed to multiply the results of the project in the local communities;
  • agree on participating on behalf of the Hungarian sending organisation Kulturális Kapcsolatokért Alapítvány;
  • agree on sharing information on the Hungarian sending organisation Kulturális Kapcsolatokért Alapítvány and promoting its activities during the project;
  • agree on the terms of Participant’s Declaration;
  • cooperate with the sending organisation during the project and attend the preparatory, mid-term and evaluation meetings;
  • agree on writing a summary and/or creating a video after the project that will be published on the ICRP’s website and social media sites.

Selection of the volunteers will be done by ICRP and RIS Rakičan jointly

Accommodation and support

The ESC will take place in the Mansion Rakičan (3 minutes away -if you drive by car- from the nearest city – Murska Sobota), which holds 54 beds arranged through the rooms of various sizes. All of the rooms are equipped with private bathroom with shower, internet and TV. Washing machine and dryer are available. Available kitchen with all the kitchen equipment for meal preparation or optional (provided by our organization, no costs) in local restaurants (on their own costs). Heating is provided.

All of the expenses are covered (travel expenses, accommodation, food, drinks, activities). Volunteers will not have any additional expenses during their stay. Sightseeing, excursions to nearby villages etc. is optional, at their own expense.

Pocket money: 120 EUR per month.

Why to grab this opportunity

  • ESC volunteering can be your life-changing experience and life-long memory;
  • You can participate activities like roundtables, thematic evenings, local discussion with NGOs, a photo competition and exhibition, workshops, and the international scientific conference “Challenges, Traps and Problems of a Modern Society “;
  • You can live in a real mansion with park, equestrian centre, coffee shop and rich cultural heritage;
  • You can gain knowledge and develop your skills in cultural heritage preservation, event organisation and using ICT tools.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ Euuropean Solidarity Corps volunteering activity

  • Dates:

    April - November 2019

  • Venue:

    Rakičan, Slovenia

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Hungary
    • Romania
    • Slovenia