Hip hop and migrations
Project summary: >>The aim of the project was to enable young people to express themselves in another way than orally. Showing their talent and commitment we want to help young people who whish to speak on a topic through this art. The project also enables young people to meet other people from other cultures and backgrounds. The intercultural dimension is important while allows young people to open up and learn from others. Communicating a sensitive issue such as migration requests to understand, dialogue and actively listen to others. The project enables young people to reflect on the subject of migration, to share and learn.
The participants created something together and for that they had to listen and agree. They had to learn to work with other young people whom they did not know before the project. The creation of the flashmob and performance were the result of this. The methodology used in this project is peer learning. Young people learned from each other at different levels and created a performance together. This improved understanding and multicultural respect while raised awareness of the crowd watching the flashmobs about the need for tolerance and the issue of migrations.<<
The project was initiated and organised by Confédération Parascolaire asbl. Brussels.
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Mobility
04.04.2015 - 19.04.2015
Alanya, Turkey
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Belgium
- Hungary
- Tunisia
- Turkey