Human rights education for European values equalization

Project description: Project contain implementation of one activity – Training course that will be hosted by Civilna, edukativna i transparentna platforma in Djakovo,Croatia in 2018. Partner organizations from will send 3 participants each. On this project we have balance between partner and programme countries and through that we will have more intercultual environment but also through that we support simultaneous development of youth workers and youth organizations.

Throughout the project we will use different methods of non-formal education such as discussions, brainstorming, debates, simulations, meetings, small group work and presentations.

The main objectives is directly related with KA1 and Erasmus+ projects because with this project we will raise level of key competences and skills of youth workers and through that also raise capacities of partner organisations but also of organisations which cooperate with partner organisations because participants of the project will share their gained knowledge and skills but also experience with other colleagues from youth sector. Also, through this project we will raise the number of young people which participate actively in democratic life as active citizens in order to promote social inclusion, tolerance, solidarity, intercultural dialogue but also raise awareness about importance of protection of human rights and European values.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 training course

  • Dates:

    16-24 January 2018

  • Venue:

    Đakovo, Croatia

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Bulgaria
    • Croatia
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Macedonia
    • Montenegro