Independent Life

Project description: It is well known that substances are readily available in the market. Substance abuse is common across all the groups of society, and unfortunately it is considered normal and acceptable. The current project initially offered workshops to train youth on the nature of the substances as well as the risks of substance abuse. To reach out to the larger society, social media tools and peer advising had been utilized.
• The project included workshops titled “Description and Dangers of Substance Addiction”, “Risk Factors of Substance Addiction”, “Effects of Substance Abuse and Attitudes Toward Substance Abuse”, and “Positive Influence of Peer Advising on Substance Abuse” where the youth was provided with information and experiences related to the topics. At the end of the workshop series, the participants came up with effective slogans to go viral through social media platforms and reach the entire world.
• The fundamental goal of the project was to educate participants on the most important issue of the contemporary world: Substance Abuse. The other component of the project involved social activities where participants had the opportunity to mingle and get to know each other. These events facilitated intercultural communication, which led to further partnerships.

Target group: We welcomes the participation of 42 youth leaders and young people, supported by 7 group leaders or/and active youth workers.
– Participants were between 18 to 25 years old (exception was open only for group leaders);
– Participants were present during the entire exchange;
– Participants were motivated to discuss the theme of the exchange (animation, entrepreneurship) and actively participate to all activities;
– Participants must have come from Erasmus + Programme Countries.

Methodology: The youth exchange was designed following the principles of the non-formal education, having interactive and participatory approach, using various methods and tools and was facilitated and supported by an experienced team of trainers and facilitators in Non-Formal Learning and in working with international groups.

Workshops: What is Drug Addiction? Reasons of using to Drugs. How can effect drugs? Campaign slogans for Drugs. Social Media studies and drug interaction?

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange

  • Dates:

    07.03.2015 - 14.03.2015

  • Venue:

    Bursa, Turkey

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bulgaria
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Latvia
    • Malta
    • Romania
    • Turkey