Integrating new learning experiences of training on migration
Project description:
Due to the refugee crisis which European Union is facing and the high percentage of violent extremism which is bringing to stigmatization of migrants we have decided to tackle this topic. Young people are the ones who are most influenced by media and other influencers which are bringing them to negative attitudes and mindset concerning refugees integration and migration.
So, we have thought to develop this project to train youth workers and educators of young people to prevent and turn this negative way of thinking into an active and participative mood which will benefit not only young people but also their communities and population in general.
It will be a training course which will be held in Modra, Slovakia from 6th to 13th of September 2017 involving 24 participants 2 international trainers, 1 support staff and 1 facilitator. The countries involved are: Hungary, Slovakia, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Lithuania, Romania and Greece. Profile of participants will be youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers working on youth education in their local communities and at international level.
The aim of this project is to equip youth workers with innovative tools, foster their reflection and let them gain knowledge and skills on the topic of migration. By this we aim to turn them into ambassadors of human rights protection and enable them to develop new activities in their communities at local and international level.
The concrete objectives of the project are:
- To share best practices and innovation in youth work practices and actions for migration at local and international level and the related influence on young people in Europe
- To reflect on violent extremism and understand it as a cause rather than a consequence of migration and influence of media related to migration
- To support youth workers debate on understanding the theoretical framework of migration trends and new migration in Europe and its European and international effects, moreover on different dimensions of migration and mobility,
- To enhance skills of youth workers and youth leaders on how to prevent negative effects of migration (such as social exclusion) in society and discover more about the push and pull factors of migration
- To transfer strategies and actions for youth workers and youth leaders on how to address the challenges and opportunities resulting from migration for young people/society as a whole
- To get acquainted on European policies towards migration and mobility and local realities in participating countries and learning good practices, promoting European cooperation between youth organisations and engage youth with immigrant backgrounds in organizations activities
- To create new initiatives in the field of migration and mobility for young people within the framework of the Erasmus + Programme
The training will use non formal and interactive methodologies in order to facilitate youth learning and evolution. Participants will have opportunity to practice through simulations, role plays, where do you stand, team building, getting to know each other, ice break games, plenary debates, theoretical inputs and many other activities which will be focused on learner learning path and peer to peer education.
During the training they will develop recommendations, new project ideas and applications within the Erasmus+ programme.
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 training course
Modra, Slovakia
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Croatia
- Greece
- Hungary
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Turkey