Integration of vocational school graduates into labour market (IVOLAB)

Project summary: The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy was invited by Dialógus Platform Egyesület to join this project during the last international meeting of the consortium. The starting point of the programme was that “the majority of students who attend the vocational schools come from socially, economically and sometimes physically disadvantaged groups. Compared to their normal peers these individuals are more likely to experience unemployment or underemployment, lower pay, and job dissatisfaction. Many disadvantaged students – as well as those with chronic achievement problems – drop out of high school before graduating, leaving them even more unprepared for required skills needed by SMEs and consequently less likely to obtain a job. These vocational graduates can be better engaged and supported by NGOs and governmental organisations to help them identify their strengths and interests and providing them with the skills (or a plan for gaining them) they need to succeed in the workplace. In spite of the all precautions taken by the governments to improve the conditions of the target group, still some problems are available between the skills of the vocational school graduates, and the needs of the job markets. Therefore we aim to contribute the preparation of the disadvantaged vocational education graduates. The outcomes of the Project will be revealed and disseminated with the mass media products, social Networks, web-site and the news in local and regional media. The SMEs, vocational school representatives and public authorities will especially be invited to the Project activities. This Project >>Integration of vocational school graduates into labour market<< is be organised by AKÇADER from Aksaray/Turkey. It will be implemented between 01/07/2013 and 01/07/2015. The Partner Organisations are from the Netherlands, Turkey and Hungary.”

  • Programme and action:

    Leonardo da Vinci Programme

  • Dates:

    18.05.2015 - 23.05.2015

  • Venue:

    Amsrerdam, The Netherlands

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Hungary
    • Netherlands
    • Turkey