Job hunters

In the year 2016, 6.6 million young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) were registered in the European Union, aged 16-24, representing 12% of young people of the same age. In countries such as Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Spain, there has even been an increase in 2017. There are also indications that countries like France, Latvia, Cyprus, Slovakia are also facing the same problem.

According to a Eurostat analysis, Romania ranks second in Europe in this regard. 16.7% of young people of the same age are young inactive NEETs. In recent years the phenomenon has increased in our country according to the same sources the share increased by 5%.

In this context, “JOB HUNTERS” aims at the following general objectives:

  • Increasing the chance of employment of 35 young people aged between 18-26 years by mastering the application techniques for a job;
  • Orientation towards a suitable job according to their own abilities of 35 young people with low opportunities of which 50% young NEETs with access to information;
  • Improving social skills and increasing self-confidence by participating in all activities of the project in an intercultural environment, with young people from 7 European countries.

The aim and objectives of the project are in line with the Erasmus + horizontal priorities for promoting social inclusion, such as supporting the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities (including young NEETs).

JOB HUNTERS project will use non-formal, interactive and participatory methods that foster creativity, communication, interaction, critical and creative thinking, intuition, teamwork, etc. The proposed methods are selected according to the objectives of the JOB HUNTERS project, the youths’ profiles and needs, the theme, duration and number of participants.

Methods used: CV Master, Ideal CV, Transforming Hobby into a Business, Interview, Friendship Envelope, CV Game, Open Space, simulations: Interview; analyses, debates (round table), energizing and breaking the Ice, games of cooperation and communication, presentation and interpersonal knowledge; meetings with AJOFM representatives; with a successful entrepreneur; city hall representatives. At the end of each day we will have reflection sessions (Reflexion in 2). On the last day of mobility the participants will receive the Youthpass Certificate; Intercultural Days will take place in the form of artistic activities.

Project results: 1 brochure; min 5 interactive workshops / partner organization – to redirect young people to flexible work or transform a hobby into a business; continuing the partnership to implement a new project (for youth workers) for the next deadline in October 2019.

Participating countries: Romania, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Macedonia, Spain and Italy. Each country will send: 1 leader (youth worker – participant in project “Youth workers 4 Social Change”) + 4 youngsters (age 18-26).

Period: March 2019 – youth mobility of 8 days.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 Youth Exchange

  • Dates:

    20-28 March 2019

  • Venue:

    Constanta, Romania

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Estonia
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Macedonia
    • Poland
    • Romania
    • Spain