Learning 2 DO
Project background: “Learning2DO: skills & competences for youth employability” is a Training Course directed to youth workers and youth leaders from Programme Countries, in order to empower the work of their NGOs in the field of youth employability.
Often, for youngsters, to orientate in today’s European labor market, affected by a deep economic crisis, and with an increasing competition within it, has become extremely complicated. Following the Europe 2020 Strategy, we aim to support youth organizations in developing an inclusive growth approach in their local communities, equipping their youth workers with valuable tools to empower youth employability, developing their coaching, career guidance and motivation skills, to support young people in their realities to be active in their labor market and in the European one. Moreover, we’ll provide them space to network, share best practices, define obstacles and challenges in different contexts, and work together on practical solutions to be implemented in each of their local contexts.
Project aim and objectives: The main objectives of the project is to learn more about practical tools to boost employability skills of youngsters, providing them ideas for practical guidance, sharing instruments for European labour market and mobility opportunities, furnishing hints and tools on how to build effective CVs or deal with job interviews, and giving examples on how Formal, Non-formal and Informal education can contribute to the personal and professional growth of an individual.
Methodology: The main methodology used is the one of Non Formal Education, completed with some theoretical inputs, and we use creative and interactive methods such as simulations, presentations, brainstorming, fish bowl, open debates and theatre.
Profile of participants: The participants should be:
– Interested in developing competences and implement follow-up initiatives,
– Aware of the characteristics of the learning environment (non-formal education),
– Working regularly on the youth field,
– Should have communicative level of English.
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 training course
06.09.2016 - 11.09.2016
Budapest, Hungary
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Bulgaria
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Hungary
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Romania and Spain