Live together, learn together

Project description: “Live Together, Learn Together” is a project born from the project “Play Together, Learn Together”, held in Elche in June/July of 2016. During this seminar varied strategies and good practices were shared with the main focus of using sport as a tool for social inclusion. One of the Spanish organizations that had participated in that seminar, Dragones de Lavapiés, is the organizer of this new project “Live Together, Learn Together” with the following goals: – AIM: To foster social inclusion through coexistence and youth participation”

– Exchange experiences and good social inclusion practices through coexistence initiatives and participation of the youth.
– Share the realities of the participating partners related with strategies fostering coexistence and youth participation.
– Foster intercultural dialogue through coexistence and youth participation.
– Create a booklet with experiences and best practices about youth initiatives and self-managed communities that are promoting the coexistence between young people and the community.

Understanding that coexistence is a priority in this nowadays more intercultural society, we are going to focus in fostering social inclusion and preventing radicalization of young people through local actions that involve the them. This project is aimed to the creation of coexistence spaces where young people can be motivated to participate in the society, being part of a “larger” thing that will increase the feeling of community.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 mobility of youth workers - seminar

  • Dates:

    14.03.2017 - 19.03.2017

  • Venue:

    Madrid, Spain

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bulgaria
    • Czech Republic
    • Estonia
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Poland
    • Romania
    • Slovakia and Spain