Medialize it

Project intention

The “Medialize it – Part II.” project is a continuation of a successful project we organized in 2011, enriched of a new theme – handcrafts. The project is built on three thematic pillars: intercultural education, media and handcrafts. The main intention of the project (Action KA1- International Youth Exchanges) is the use of contemporary and classical media tools for preserving and transmitting (sharing) craft techniques. We want the participants to realize that they do not have to be only passive recipients of the world around them, but active creators. We will provide them with tools, how to create their own picture of what they live, experience, what they want to tell to the others. The main aim of the project is to show young people a way to active self-expression, be it by media or handcrafts. Thanks to international participation, we will lead the young to intercultural dialogue, knowing cultural differences and making cross-border friendships.

The participants of the project will work in small international groups on film animation, journalism, classical photography and radio broadcasting. Concerning handcrafts they will practice blacksmithing; they will work with leather and try silk painting. Intercultural education is a motive that permeates through all program activities and grows from the dialogue among the participants of a different cultural origin. Part of the program will be dedicated to learning about national traditions and habits of participating countries, and visiting places of historical and cultural value in Český Krumlov region.

We will use non-formal and interactive education methods, such as workshops, excursions, sport activities, experience and motivation games. The main place of realization is Český Krumlov (Czech Republic, South Bohemia). The project participants will come from 6 European countries (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Latvia and Slovenia). Every national group will consist of 4 young people (girls and boys in same parts), aged 15 to 18 years and 1 team leader. In total there will be 24 participants and 6 team leaders. Each participant youth organization will choose its participants on the basis of their interest in the media and handcrafts. English is the working language for the whole project.

The expected impact of the project on the young participants is mainly promoting their social and communication skills, active approach to information and media, tolerance to  cultural diversity, enhancing their creativity and ability of self-expression, learning selected artistic/craft skills and making new international friendships. We see the support and promotion of handcrafts, reinforcement of crossborder cooperation and improvement of media literacy necessary for future functioning of independent democratic institutions as the main important broader impacts of the project.

Project realisation

Subject of our project will be realized by workshops, meetings with some experts, amusing games, and group activities and of course with national evenings, cooking national foods, free time and relax activities. Our organization disposes of internet radio (Radio ICM), Musical studio (HSM – Musical youth studio), little film studio (Film laboratory).

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange

  • Dates:

    16 - 25 September 2019

  • Venue:

    Český Krumlov and Prague, Czech Republic

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Czech Republic
    • Hungary
    • Latvia
    • Macedonia
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia