No bullying!
Project description:
The main objectives of our project are to learn to recognize bullying, violence and harassment get better the understanding and its impact in community; to develop antibullying policies recommendations, action plans and strategies for protection and empowerment of school communities’ actors in responding to violent and anti-social behaviors and to improve bullying competences of participants. Another interesting aspect of the project is the direct contribution of locals (authorities, high-school, NGOs) in a project with “whole approach” involving youngsters, pupils, teachers and community. A special focus will be on the understanding of the values of the “third” position that offers potential strategies to interrupt bullying as well as to prevent it.
The methodology will include communication-based methods (interaction, dialogue, open discussions), activity based methods (sharing experience, practice and experimentation), socially focused methods (partnerships, teamwork, networking) and self-directing methods (creativity, discovery, responsibility, action).
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange
Valea Doftanei, Romania
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Hungary
- Lithuania
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovakia