Reach the world – constructive media for social change

The seminar aims to:

  • Bring people from different backgrounds together – all being active in the field of (im)migration and integration. Facilitate exchange on their visions, challenges, strategies.
  • Discuss ways of dissemination of the results and application of the gained knowledge in the own context. The videos produced during the seminar will be spread through social media and shown in the participants’ personal initiatives.
  • Broaden participant’s knowledge on constructive journalism – the focus is on ”What’s next?“ and concrete solutions to foster tolerance and respect within society.
  • Create a platform to cooperate for future projects.
  • Study and apply video making skills – under the guidance of professionals, participants learn the basics of script writing, pre-production, shooting and cutting, as well as equipment (camera, sound, light) shooting videos themselves.
  • Reach the society and foster dialogue through constructive reporting, combatting and preventing xenophobia and racism.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 Seminar

  • Dates:

    12-18 August 2018

  • Venue:

    Berlin, Germany

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Germany
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Poland
    • Serbia
    • Spain
    • Tunisia