Recover: Regional cooperation over NEET youth
The main aim of the contact making seminar is to develop national and regional cooperation among the youth workers to share experiences and knowledge on working with NEET youth.
The program of the project will be based on non-formal education methodology and will be implemented by 2 facilitators .
What is it about?
Young people are a fundamental asset of our societies. There are over 94 million young people between 15 and 29 in Europe, which is an incredible resource for society. But to fully exploit their potential, they need to be integrated into society. For different reasons, not all young people can be involved in the labor market. There is a category of youth that is neither in employment nor in education and training (“NEETs”).
With this CMS we want to establish national and regional cooperation of organizations directly working with youth to reduce the number of NEET young people and to open for them the world of youth opportunities, including Erasmus + Program.
General information
The project will bring together 27 youth workers from Czech Republic, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Germany, Italy and Romania. Dates: 18.-25. November 2019. Venue: Uherské Hradiště, Czech Republic. Hosting organisation: Cesta rozvoje, Czech Republic
Profile of participants
• Youth workers and youth leaders who are involved into the daily activities of the youth organizations
• age limit 18+
• be able to communicate in English
• gender balance (50/50)
Programme and action:
Erasmus+ KA1 contact making seminar
18 - 25 November 2019
Uherske Hradiste, Czech Republic
Number of participants:
Participating countries:
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Hungary
- Italy
- Poland
- Romania
- Slovenia