Social impact project

Social entrepreneurship – a type of business organisations that focuses on profit for the local community. We want to enable youth workers to improve their skills in supporting young people in turning their ideas into reality. Youth workers will build their skills in three ways: theoretical aspects of social entrepreneurship, practical aspects of social entrepreneurship and its adequate implementation
in youth work. Youth work in social entrepreneurship has immense importance both in popularisation of socially and ecologically responsible ideas and in their practical implementation, especially among young people from vulnerable groups and/young people with geographic, social and economic obstacles. Therefore, youth workers in this TC will get additional training on how to teach and implement socially innovative and responsible ideas into businesses. This is a mobility of youth workers because this way Brodoto can pass on their experience and skills to people who too are or aim to be social entrepreneurs and who work with young future entrepreneurs. Very important goal that we will achieve through this mobility of youth workers is the exchange of ideas and experiences
between every partner organisation. This will also be an exchange of ideas and cultural differences. We will aim to give as many opportunities to partners to present themselves, their nations, cultures and practices. Social entrepreneurship, CSR, successful case studies in local communities, community needs, SWOT analysis, marketing strategies, management, pitching, exchange of local examples and experiences etc. are some of the focusses of this mobility of youth workers. Another important emphasis will be put on how to popularise social entrepreneurship start-ups in less developed areas and how to successfully orient young persons towards it through the methodology, Brodoto expertise and exchange of youth workers’ experience throughout this project.


Project objectives

1) improve the youth workers’ knowledge and skills in social entrepreneurship with exchange of best practice examples, business & marketing workshops and case studies.

2) improve the level of participants’ skills and competences in youth work activities about social entrepreneurship and business. With participating in this mobility, they will enhance their view on the matter based on trainers’ experience and the experience of other partners.They will improve their youth work on what is a social enterprise, which methods of teaching to use and how to
implement appropriate workshops.

3) improve the capacities of partnering organisations including the hosting one – both in educational activities for youth and practical ones. This will be achieved by participation on the project through implemented workshops, output creation and exchange of practices. Additionally, through pre-activity research and dissemination activities in respected local communities and abroad.


Profile of participants

Each Partner Organisation must build a delegation composed of four participants. When selecting participants, partner organizations will be guided by the following criteria:

  • Age limit will be 21, but there will not be an upper age limit.
  • Youth workers or alternatively future youth workers in the process of building their competencesto become ones.
  • Experience in topics similar to social entrepreneurship, social impact and youth work have an advantage;
  • 4 per country
  • 2 per country (out of 4 in total) with fewer opportunities (if possible) – economic or geographical.
  • Responsibility;
  • Good English skills and ability to work in this language;
  • Involvement in the preparation phase: short presentation about local social entrepreneurs

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 mobility of youth workers

  • Dates:

    29 June - 5 July 2021

  • Venue:

    Zagreb, Croatia

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Croatia
    • France
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Northern Macedonia
    • Poland