Unity in Diversity

Our aim is to develop youth workers’ and volunteers’ capacities in the field of intercultural youth works and to improve the quality of Erasmus+ projects by strengthening participants’ awareness of cultural diversity and their ability to successfully work with intercultural youth groups, by developing knowledge on the formation of identity and the impact of different cultural values, by providing a platform to share experiences and knowledge on intercultural youth work, by giving methodology and methods on how to stimulate a fruitful effect out of cultural diversity for youth and surrounding society and to manage conflicts arising from cultural diversity.



  • To develop youth workers’ capacities in field of intercultural youth work;
  • To promote intercultural dialogue and co-operation;
  • To provide young people and youth workers with the opportunity to discover the diversity;
  • To improve the quality of Erasmus+ projects by strengthening participants’ awareness of cultural diversity;
  • To promote tolerance, equality and solidarity among different cultures, nationalities, religions, ethnic backgrounds, etc.;
  • To learn and discover European values;
  • To integrate accumulated experience in intercultural and non-formal education;
  • To provide participants with concrete ideas to motivate, engage and involve young people to take action for tolerance and understanding in their environment as well as on an international level by achieving “multiplying effect”;
  • To provide participants with methodological tools to make different identities and cultural diversity a fruitful experience in their future European youth projects


Methodology and methods

The training course will be based on non-formal education methods such as simulations, drama,role plays, field visits, reflection groups, workshop. It will be great opportunity to enhance exchange, partnership and co-operation. We aim to have different kind of partners in this project from different experiences and backgrounds; both EU Countries Countries.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals

  • Dates:

    5-12 August 2021

  • Venue:

    Istanbul, Turkey

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bulgaria
    • Finland
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Lithuania
    • Poland
    • Romania
    • Spain
    • Turkey