Youth Advisory Boards for Peace

“Youth Advisory Boards for Peace – Increasing competences for youth policy development and advocacy for peace” is a capacity building project which involves organisations from five countries: Academy for Peace and Development (Georgia), Chernivtsi Regional Organisation of Civil Network Opora Civic Organisation (Ukraine), Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor (Armenia), Stichting The Tree Party (Netherlands), Institute for Cultural Relations Policy (Hungary) and Vicolocorto Associazione (Italy). The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. (Capacity Building in the field of Youth – Eastern Partnership Window. Project Type: Civil Society Fellowships for Youth)

The project aims at promoting the involvement of young people as key actors in peacebuilding and change processes alongside the guidelines of the UNSCR 2250 by increasing capacities of youth-led civil society organizations and youth groups in developing and applying sustainable initiatives ensuring youth participation at the local level through policy development and peace advocacy.

Accordingly, the project foresees the following objectives:
  1. To increase the competences of youth leaders in training on peace education, advocacy and youth policy development for peace.
  2. To raise awareness and enhance constituencies of active youth engaged with advocacy and supporting policy development initiatives for peace.
  3. To foster the establishment of sustainable initiatives for youth peace advocacy and youth policy development.
  4. To enhance the exchange of practices for youth policy development and cooperation between EU and EaP countries.

The project is being implemented in cooperation between 6 partners from Hungary, The Netherlands, Italy, Georgia, Armenia, and Ukraine.

The activities provide a relevant competence development opportunity for the fellows, ensure the local impact of the action and establish sustainable initiatives for cooperation with authorities for youth policy development.

The mobilities of the project aim to ensure European perspective and expertise for the competence development of the youth and EaP partner organizations and provide reciprocally beneficial exchanges of practices and expertise among the partner organizations. One of the main outputs is the establishment of the Youth Advisory Boards for Peace in three communities in the EaP region to foster youth participation and youth policy development among the targeted local communities, alongside with the competence development of the fellows, the impact on the youth of the local actions and the opportunity for developing the expertise and competences of the participating organizations on the topic of youth policy development.

Report of the training held in Bakuriani, Georgia between 7-14 March 2020. Written by Tekla Gabritchidze. (49 pages). Download pdf

This report – as a part of the Youth Advisory Boards for Peace capacity building project – has been funded with support from the European Commission. This booklet and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA2 capacity building in the field of youth

  • Dates:


  • Venue:

    Vanadzor - Armenia, Tbilisi - Georgia, Budapest - Hungary, Pesaro - Italy, Utrecht - Netherlands, Chernivtsi - Ukraine

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Armenia
    • Georgia
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Netherlands
    • Ukraine