Youth European Education

Project background: Youth Exchange “Youth European Education” was hosted in Djakovo, Croatia and it is aimed for 48 young people from Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Latvia.
Even though active citizenship requires people to get involved, to play an active role in political, social and economic life many young people still don’t recognize active participation as important. Many issues are connected with youth and active participation – low participation of youth on elections, lack of knowledge about importance of being an active citizen and low engagement and participation in political, social and economic processes.
Summarizing the objectives of the YE are to critically and creatively reflect about the role and relevance of European citizenship, to promote active participation of citizens and their role in building our societies based on European values, to define role of citizens and NGO’s, to increase the participants professional competences in developing and evaluating projects with young people, to support capacity and partnership building.
Program of the Youth Exchange is adapted to the needs of participants and contain various forms of non-formal learning methods such as simulations, brainstorming, work in the groups, debates, presentations, etc.

Profile of participants: Participants should be from 18 to 25 years old excluding team leader who can be older.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange

  • Dates:

    16.05.2016 - 23.05.2016

  • Venue:

    Đakovo, Croatia

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Bulgaria
    • Croatia
    • Czech Republic
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Latvia and Romania