Youth work on migration


Migration is a global phenomenon that has affected peoples and societies all over the world for centuries. The World has gone through a number of migration periods. In the modern times, the earliest period of migration, called the ‘mercantile period’ lasted from 15th until 18th century. It was characterised by colonisation of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania by European powers and forced migration within between these continents.

Today’s Europe absorbs two million migrants each year –more than any other part of the world (as a proportion of its population), including North America. This migration flow changes the make-up of European societies – more so than birth rates or death rates. Increased migration into Europe is part of a global trend. Cheaper travel and more information encourage skilled and unskilled workers from poorer countries to migrate to richer ones.



It is a training course that aims to support the professional development of youth workers and to raise the quality of their projects concerning Migration and Mobility projects.



Development of a more tolerant, inclusive and egalitarian society; support the reflection among participants on the different dimensions of migration and mobility; exchange of good practice in the field of youth related to international migration, mobility and its influence on young people in the EU and in the partner countries and the opportunities arising; training of youth workers to better address problems and opportunities arising from migration, together with the local youth and migrants; transfer and development of knowledge of European mobility programs in youth worker; promotion of European cooperation between NGOs that are in contact with migration and youth mobility; the development of new initiatives in the field of youth and mobility within Erasmus+, to give migrants and local youth the same opportunities.

  • Programme and action:

    Erasmus+ KA1 Training Course

  • Dates:

    7-15 October 2021

  • Venue:

    Strasbourg (Diemeringen), France

  • Number of participants:


  • Participating countries:
    • Belgium
    • Bulgaria
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Czech Republic
    • Estonia
    • France
    • Greece
    • Hungary
    • Italy
    • Lithuania
    • Netherlands
    • Romania
    • Slovenia