
Peace Journey: Interreligious Dialogue For Peace

December 11, 2021 Media in English 0

Religions for Peace | One of the backgrounds of the “Global Citizenship for Human Rights” project is to respond to the changing needs and circumstances of today’s societies to simply educate young people on tolerance and non-violence as well as intercultural and interfaith dialogue with a tool that can be applied at the local level in order to strengthen the capabilities of all partners. The objectives are to build capacities of the partner organization for planning and running activities related to Human Rights Education – HRE and interreligious dialogue, to equip youth workers for HRE and train multipliers how to organize educational activities on local level, promote different positive and effective approaches of HRE in all partner countries and their realities. To develop competences of youth workers, leaders and trainers needed for working in HRE and intercultural and inter-religious societies. To share good practices in the field of HRE and using tools and methods for running Non-Formal Education (NFE) activities on local level. To explore, create and share relevant andeffective tools working in a field of HRE and interreligious dialogue as well to provide opportunity to testing these methods in practice. To create new tools and manuals for HRE. To stimulate the dialogue and discussion among different participants/stakeholders (representatives of institutions, OCD›s, youth, etc.) on local level and building strong networking.

The participants are youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, part of NGO, who have interest in developing competences to work as multipliers/facilitators, basic experience in leading educational activities with youngsters, at local or international level, have the potential and need to develop competencies and act after he training as a multiplier for HRE on local level, who want to develop new methodologies and tools for youth work to reinforce Human Rights Education, that can develop new international partnerships and network of HRE promoters, motivated and interested to learn how to organise large scale event to promote HRE and interfaith dialogue. The training course took place at Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia on 22 – 30 April 2021. The partner organizations of this project were Nevladina organizacija «IUVENTA» (Serbia), TDM 2000 (Italy), Kulturális Kapcsolatokért Alapítvány (Hungary); Darusselam Vakfi (Turkey); Gerakan Kerelawanan Internasional (GREAT) (Indonesia), Disha International Foundation Trust (India). One of the first follow-up of the training is creating a new interreligious tool relevant to contexts of each country

A paper written by Muhammat Sabar Prihatin: Peace Journey: Interreligious Dialogue For Peace (Introduction To An Interreligious Dialogue Tool Through Game). Original article: https://www.rfp.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Peace-Journey-Interreligious-Dialogue-For-Peace-Introduction-To-An-Interreligious-Dialogue-Tool-Through-Game-by-Prihatin-Muhammat-Sabar.pdf

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