
Press release: Blended mobility with youth in Romania

April 14, 2023 Media in English 0

Training Club | From 30 March to 5 April 2023, the Maritime University of Constanta hosted more than 25 young people from Germany, Spain, Hungary and Romania eager to become Citizen Media Ambassadors. The activities included theoretical lessons, demonstration workshops as well as practical activities initiated by the partners of the Erasmus+ project CiMe – Integrating Citizen Media into daily Youth Work for empowering Youths with Fewer Opportunities in Digital Citizenship.

The first day was dedicated to management and planning activities. On this occasion, representatives of organisations specialised in media production (Arbeitskreis Ostviertel and Offener TV-Kanal Bielefeld, Germany) and youth organisations (Asociación Muchachos Ciudadescuelas de Formación Sociocultural from Spain, Asociatia TEAM4Excellence from Constanta and Kulturalis Kapcsolatokert Alapitvany from Hungary) validated the training programme and agreed on the opportunities for each participant to use and make visible the
results obtained.

During the course, young people learned about how social media and media in general can be used to engage positively, critically and competently in the digital environment. They developed their communication and creative skills, experimented with different forms of social participation and formed stories from five images. Participants suggested ideas about different types of content that could be used to raise young people’s awareness of media: the pros and cons of social media, the spread of fake news, online identity and the effects of misinformation. Young people interviewed different people, took photos, wrote and filmed to contribute to the next issue of CiMe magazine.

Wanting to bring them closer to the professionals, the third day was dedicated to a visit to Focus Press headquarters. Participants were able to watch the filming of an interview and learn directly from experts about the steps involved in producing video programmes.

To certify and validate the learning outcomes, participants enrolled in the online Citizen Media course developed within the project. They competed in demonstrating their improved digital citizenship skills and content creation skills. The prize for the best score was won by a young woman from Germany and the prize for the fastest downloaded certificate was won by a young woman from Constanta.

The course has been designed around the key idea of using modern media technology to overcome risky situations that may arise and even to form a career in this field.

Thus, through education in an international context, the work carried out contributes to achieving the main objective of the “CiMe” project – Integrating Citizen Media into the daily work of young people.

Original article: https://trainingclub.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/CiMe-Press-release-EN.pdf

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